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Pre/Postnatal Physiotherapy And Screening In Surrey

Pregnancy induces changes to a woman’s body and demands painful adjustment. Apart from the diaphragm, back muscles, and ligaments getting stretched to capacity, movement of the bladder and the sacrum, there is often much pressure placed on the bony structures of a woman’s pelvis. Even months or years postpartum, a mother’s pelvis can still be affected and not remedied to its non-pregnant state. Pelvic floor physiotherapy can help with conditions such as pain in the pelvis, stress incontinence, constipation, painful intercourse, hemorrhoids, tight/immobile scar tissue, and more. Clayton Heights Sports & Therapy Center offers pre/postnatal physiotherapy sessions in Surrey to help reduce the stress and make you feel more in control of your body during or post pregnancy. Call us today for any query.

Prenatal Screening

Physiotherapists specialized in pre/postnatal care can help women with debunking myths around pregnancy and better manage the physical changes that occur during pregnancy. During pregnancy, your muscles, ligaments, and joints experience significant changes as the baby grows. The collective increase in pressure on your internal organs can lead to many or all of these conditions:

Back pain
Pelvic pain
Rib pain or thoracic discomfort
Pubic symphysis pain
Abdominal pain
Urinary incontinence

While women are often told that these conditions are "normal," if left untreated, these pain conditions can pose problems in delivery as well as in the postpartum period and beyond.  A prenatal screening that includes a complete review of medical history and examination of the expecting mother will be done by your physiotherapists to formulate an individualized pelvic floor physiotherapy program for you.

Postpartum Screening

Pregnancy and delivery can significantly change the function and anatomy of a woman’s pelvic floor and abdominal wall. Women often develop bad posture to compensate for the changes. These habits can further increase the pressure on their joints, muscles and organs and lead to complications, such as:

 Pre/Postnatal Physiotherapy

Diastasis rectus abdominus (DRA): When the abdominal wall stretches during pregnancy, it can sometimes separate, and you may notice a bulge down the centre of your abdominals. This is called a diastasis rectus abdominus.

Low back pain: Sometimes, the deep abdominal muscles (transversus abdominus) and your pelvic floor get stretched and may not function properly. This leads to the low back, pelvic girdle or symphysis pain.

Pelvic organ prolapse: If your pelvic floor and the connective tissues of your pelvic organs such as the bladder, uterus and rectum are stretched or torn, it may result in conditions such as bladder incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse where the pelvic organs slip down into the vagina.

While many women deliver babies and go on to lead a pain-free functional life, few mothers continue to suffer from pregnancy-induced pain. Some mothers may also suffer, years later, the recurrence of back pain or pelvic girdle pain with/without incontinence or organ prolapse.

It is thereby important to address current problems and avoid future ones arising from incorrect pain management. A postnatal screening can identify if pelvic floor physiotherapy is recommended for you to get tailored exercises and treatment to help reduce pain in your back, hips, neck, pelvis, and/or ribs.

Get Expert Pre/Post Pregnancy Help

Pelvic floor physiotherapy helps reduce and better manage your pain.

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