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Daniel Laskoski, Registered Massage Therapist

Daniel Laskoski graduated from West Coast College of Massage Therapy with a diploma in massage therapy. He was inspired to be a registered massage therapist from watching people in the fitness community praise how much massage therapists helped keep them in the gym performing and feeling their best.

Daniel believes everyone who wants their bodies to stay healthy should see a registered massage therapist to maintain proper body movement patterning.

Coming from an athletic background of playing rugby, Daniel knows what it’s like to deal with pain, injuries, and chronic soreness. Having dealt with multiple concussions and chronic shoulder impingement himself, he knows how important proper recovery is in the rehabilitation process to any injury.

To maximize the effectiveness of your appointment, we will work together to get to the root cause of your problem. Our work will incorporate myofascial release, joint mobilizations, PNF stretching, along with other neuromuscular techniques blended with a Swedish massage to achieve the greatest benefit for you.

In Daniel’s free time, he likes to do yard work, garden, cook, but mostly strength train. On sunny days, he enjoys going outside and finding some trails to explore.

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